We encourage everyone to download our demo software and give it a spin before purchasing, that's how confident we are that you will love our products.
    Our product demos are fully functional versions (with the exception being that when you play the game, you are only allowed to play the Sample Game included with the demo). Using the demo, you can test all the functionality of the program.
    If you decide that the software is for you, simply return to this website and order the unlock code or CD.
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Classroom Suite
(3 licenses)

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Classroom MegaSuite
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Customer Testimonials
"You are awesome! Thank you so much for all of your help. This is going to be a blast! I read through the manual and have to say that I am very impressed with the ability to customize this game! "
"I just received my order for two of your classroom games. They are wonderful!  . . . Thanks for your help and for creating software to help keep kids motivated! "
"It's really easy to use and very versatile. We were easily able
to customize the logo, questions and even use game pads to make our sessions more like a real game show. Now that we have it, I am sure we will find many uses for it at conferences, training, etc. Great Product!"
"Thanks for your excellent software and outstanding technical support!"
Infrared Remote Controllers - November 2007
"A Jeopardy style TV game show program"
     Many of our customers desire a better solution to 'buzzing-in' when playing our games. We've worked to allow our software to support simple and inexpensive TV remote controllers. These TV remote controls are inexpensive and available at stores nationwide.
Totally Kewl !!!
     We are really excited about this option, since it is really cool, and the cost is reasonable.
History of the Buzz-In methods supported by The Ultimate QuizShow (formerly Classroom Jeopardy)
Buzz-In Method
Players raise their hands
No additional equipment needed.
Hard to tell who raised their hand first.
No additional cost
No additional equipment needed.
A little cramped when playing with more than 1 or 2 players.
No additional cost
Keyboard and Y-Key, Key Dual Keyboard Splitter
Spreads out the players.
Need an additional keyboard.
$50 for Y-Key, Key splitter.
USB gamepads
Players can be situated whereever the gamepads will reach.
4 USB gamepads, wires and extensions can become tangled.

About $10 per gamepad.

About $6 for each USB extension cable.

May need to purchase a 4 port USB hub if the computer doesn't have 4 USB ports. (about $15 to $20)

Buzzer systems
Works great once you figure out how to set them up.
$200 and up.
Wireless numeric keypads
Look Ma - no wires.

Players can buzz-in for other players.

Range can vary greatly.

About $30 per keypad.
Remote controllers
No wires. TV remotes are easily available and inexpensive.
None of which we are aware.

About $6 for the remotes.

About $50 for the IR receiver.*

* Purchase the IR receiver from Home-Electro.com.(Tira-2.1: Remote Control Receiver/Transmitter)
    The Ultimate QuizShow is a Jeopardy style program that is fun for the classroom or business presentation!
Best viewed in 800x600 resolution
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