We encourage everyone to download our demo software and give it a spin before purchasing, that's how confident we are that you will love our products.
    Our product demos are fully functional versions (with the exception being that when you play the game, you are only allowed to play the Sample Game included with the demo). Using the demo, you can test all the functionality of the program.
    If you decide that the software is for you, simply return to this website and order the download version or CD.
What our customers are saying

I have been having a great time setting it up! It is so user friendly that I can whip through the set up in no time! I am also thrilled with the options of the music, logo, etc. I think my class is going to have a great time with this and I will be able to customize it for many classes in the future!

I just want to send you a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!

"I tried the software last week and people loved it. Quite a deal. I had so much resistance when I came up with this idea. There were people that refused to take part, but once they were there, got totally caught up in it. It was an excellent tool for review training."
"I just received my order for two of your classroom games. They are wonderful!  . . . Thanks for your help and for creating software to help keep kids motivated! "
"We're using it in our residency training programs such as Emergency Room, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. Congratulations on a very nice product."
"Thanks for your excellent software and outstanding technical support!"
In the App Store now ! !
Using an iPhone to Buzz-In


Available on the apple APP Store (search for "DEC Buzzer")



The App goes on your iOS* device.
The programs go on your Windows computer.
Requirements to use an iPhone to Buzz-in
an iPhone-enabled game from DEC Software like Classroom Feud, Respond! or The Ultimate QuizShow
(currently our programs run on PC's running Windows XP or newer only)
*iPhone or iPad
Please email us if you have any questions downloading and installing these programs.
You must be logged in as an administrator in order to install programs on a Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 machine.
Once you have secured these rights:
On The Computer
On the iPhone(s) or iPad(s)
     1. start the game program, we'll use Classroom Feud.  
We recommend that you increase the screen 'time-out'
on your smartphone to several minutes.
     2. If you get a message about 'allowing' or 'blocking' the program, you'll need to allow it to run.  
This prevents the player from disconnecting during game play due to inactivity. (thanks to alert customer - Neal !)
     3. move to the setup page, then pick Buzz-In with Android setup    
     4. note the IP address, it will be something like this:    
         5. download and install the DEC_Buzzer program
             6. open the DEC_Buzzer program
         7. if the device doesn't 'Connect' to the computer, enter the IP address from Classroom Feud (noted in step 3 of On the computer).
         8. tap the <Connect> button.
         9. do this for each player or team.
Please email us if you have any questions downloading and installing these programs.
Known Issues
On The Computer
On the iPhone(s) or iPad(s)
Winsock OCX file isn't registered or is missing   iPhone App Store

Component 'MSWINSCK.OCX' or one of it's

dependencies is not correctly registered;

a file is missing and invalid

1. Find MSWINSCK.OCX at the following link:   1. Make sure the iOS device is connected to the same wifi as the Windows computer, and the program (Classroom Feud or The Ultimate QuizShow) is running.
2. Scan it for viruses.    
3. Copy or move the mswinsck.ocx file into c:\windows\system32.    
4. You may need to register the OCX file.    
Registering Winsock instructions.    
A reminder - to register this program on a Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 machine, you'll have to run the programs (even the COMMAND program) as an administrator.    
How do I register MSWINSCK.OCX file on Windows 8?    
Firewall or blocking peer to peer communication    
1. Sometimes a network will be setup in order to block peer to peer communication. This is exactly the basis of the smartphone - desktop connection. You will have to ask your network administrators to unblock this in order for your smartphone to communicate with the desktop computer, specifically the program.    
2. Sometimes a computer will have a firewall protecting it from the unauthorized access to the computer. A message like the one below will appear when you attempt to start one of our games:    
3. In this event, please click the <Allow access> button, in order for the game to communicate with the android device.    
Example of Firewall blocking communication    
ZoneAlarm is a free firewall blocking program. We use it on 2 of the machines in our offices. Despite our best efforts, on one machine we always have problems communicating between smartphones and the program that is running on the computer protected by ZoneAlarm.    
So here are the steps that we take to get smartphones connected to the program on that machine.    
1. We right-click on the ZoneAlarm icon in the tray: *    
2. Then we right-click on the "Snooze Firewall for 5 minutes . . ." *    
Of course, you may wish to turn off ZoneAlarm during the duration of the game, but please, turn it back on when finished with the smartphone enabled program.    
*Your screen will probably look different than this.    
You may mix the use of androids and iPhones as buzz-in devices.
However, we recommend that you do not mix the use of smartphones with any other buzz-in device, including buzzers, keyboards and gamepads!
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