We encourage everyone to download our demo software and give it a spin before purchasing, that's how confident we are that you will love our products.
    Our product demos are fully functional versions (with the exception being that when you play the game, you are only allowed to play the Sample Game included with the demo). Using the demo, you can test all the functionality of the program.
    If you decide that the software is for you, simply return to this website and order the download version or CD.
What our customers are saying

I have been having a great time setting it up! It is so user friendly that I can whip through the set up in no time! I am also thrilled with the options of the music, logo, etc. I think my class is going to have a great time with this and I will be able to customize it for many classes in the future!

I just want to send you a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!

"I tried the software last week and people loved it. Quite a deal. I had so much resistance when I came up with this idea. There were people that refused to take part, but once they were there, got totally caught up in it. It was an excellent tool for review training."
"I just received my order for two of your classroom games. They are wonderful!  . . . Thanks for your help and for creating software to help keep kids motivated! "
"We're using it in our residency training programs such as Emergency Room, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. Congratulations on a very nice product."
"Thanks for your excellent software and outstanding technical support!"
classroom jeopardy
Smartphone Usage with DEC Software Programs
  The market for interactive devices can require huge investments for hardware* and software. We are now able to offer software at reasonable prices, that integrate smartphones and other similar devices.
  Since 1979, DEC Software has developed educational software for the teacher, including Classroom Jeopardy, Classroom Feud and Classroom Millionaire. We have attempted to make quality software with out the high price.
  Our latest development in software incorporates the use of Androids and Apple devices (iPhones, iPods and iPads) as buzzers.
  On your computer    
The Ultimate QuizShow 12.0* is ready !
Classroom Feud 8.0* is ready !
Coming Soon
  *This is the smartphone enabled version of the program.
       Simply go to our catalog and order the smartphone enabled version:
  On your smartphone
  We have working versions of the buzzer program on the Google Play Store and in the Apple App Store. Search for DEC Buzzer.
       Download and install these apps to your smartphone. The apps are free.



On the iPhone App Store, search for

"DEC Software"

or "DEC Buzzer"


On Google Play Store, search for

"DEC Software"

or "DEC Buzzer"


  Advantages of using smartphones
       - cost (we've seen buzzer systems that cost over $100)*
       - reliability
       - no pointing of clickers at remote
       - no wires
       - flexibility (we plan upgrades and more software using this technology)
       - no distance limitations (as long as you can connect to the wifi, the smartphone buzzer will work)
  Disadvantages of using smartphones
       - does take some time to download and setup
       - must have phones and computer connected to wifi
  Specific notes for Ultimate Classroom Feud  
If you are playing Classic Feud (Classroom Feud), which has 2 players of teams, then select this game from the opening screen on your smart device.
If you are playing Group Feud or Reverse Feud, which can have up to 20 players/teams, then select this game from the opening screen on your smart device.
  Just imagine an instructor opening the classroom by saying "Please get out your Android or iPhone ipod, ipad, tablet, or laptop and let's :"
       - play a game
       - have a review session
       - do an interactive learning session
  The market for interactive devices can require huge investments for hardware* and software. We are now able to offer software at reasonable prices, that integrate smartphones and other similar devices.
.. *The cost per device can be $25 to $50 per clicker , sometimes with an annual rental fee.
Best viewed in 800x600 resolution
Copyright ©2018 DEC Software.