We encourage everyone to download our demo software and give it a spin before purchasing, that's how confident we are that you will love our products.
    Our product demos are fully functional versions (with the exception being that when you play the game, you are only allowed to play the Sample Game included with the demo). Using the demo, you can test all the functionality of the program.
    If you decide that the software is for you, simply return to this website and order the download version or CD.
Classroom Feud
Download (smartphone enabled)

I have been having a great time setting it up! It is so user friendly that I can whip through the set up in no time! I am also thrilled with the options of the music, logo, etc. I think my class is going to have a great time with this and I will be able to customize it for many classes in the future!

I just want to send you a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!

"I tried the software last week and people loved it. Quite a deal. I had so much resistance when I came up with this idea. There were people that refused to take part, but once they were there, got totally caught up in it. It was an excellent tool for review training."
"I just received my order for two of your classroom games. They are wonderful!  . . . Thanks for your help and for creating software to help keep kids motivated! "
"Thanks so much for helping us out. I have contacted the Becky to let her know you really came through for us. I am going to make sure it is working for them in the morning. You are the very best and I wish you the best of luck in your future ventures.
"Thanks for your excellent software and outstanding technical support!"


Superb improvements make Ultimate Classroom Feud even better!
  3 variations of Classroom Feud - Classic Feud, Group Feud and Reverse Feud.
  Superb off-screen control gives Ultimate Classroom Feud a more professional appearance
  Two of the versions of Feud allow up to 20 players (Group Feud and Reverse Feud).
  Input via smartphones (androids supported now, iOS devices coming soon)
Ultimate Feud is now designed to look more professional. All commands and actions can be handled off-screen. The mouse doesn't have to appear on the display screen!
     Ultimate Classroom Feud requires 2 monitors, one will show the game, the other will be the control/score panel. In addition.
     Please email us (dan@decsoftware.com) for a download link to the demo so you can give it a test drive!
3 Variations of Classroom Feud
Classic Feud
     - Face-off between 2 teams
     - Traditional scoring ("100 people surveyed, top 10 answers are on the board")
     - Play as many rounds as you wish
     - Finish by playing Fast Money
Control Screen
Display Screen
Display Monitor
Run the entire program from a computer or laptop, the mouse and other actions do not appear on the display that the players see.
Project onto a screen.
Or onto a large monitor.
And here's a new feature that we are really excited about!
Total Control of the Game from the Control Screen
Within the Score and Control Panel (outlined in blue), there is a display of the Feud buttons that will be clicked to reveal the questions and the answers, BUT
right below each button is the Question and all the answers!
Of course, it will be very important that this screen is hidden at all times from the players! (duh!)
This display of the question and answers is available for each of the three variations of Ultimate Feud.

 Ultimate Classroom Feud is now designed to look more professional. All commands and actions can be handled off-screen.

The mouse doesn't have to appear on the display screen!

Group Feud
     - Play with up to 20 players/teams
     - Scoring is determined when Questions and Answers are made (up to 999 points)
     - Team answers are submitted to host secretly
     - Scoring is entered by host (manually for now)*
     - Two best teams after Group Feud play Classic Feud
     - Finish with Fast Money
Please note with Group Feud (and Reverse Feud) :
     - the host will be able to enter up to 20 teams/players (or posted via smartphones used by the players)
     - the host will be able to enter scores after each round (semi-automatic scoring)
     - the host will be able to drag the Score and Control Panel onto the Display Screen (and remove it to the Control Screen when finished)
     - the host will be able to control the complete game 'off screen'
     - the Hatfields and the McCoys are gone (i.e. we're not playing Classic Feud anymore)
Screen shot of Group Feud with Score and Control Panel
Score Panel dragged over to Display Screen (Left mouse down on Score and Control Panel and drag it)

Reverse Feud
     - Play with up to 20 players/teams
     - Scoring is determined when Questions and Answers are made (up to 999 points)
     - As answers are revealed, the teams try to guess the question that was posed
     - Answers submitted to host, scoring is entered by host (manually for now)*
* The automatic scoring of answers submitted with smart devices is planned for future releases.
Variations on Variations ! ! !
      The new version of Classroom Feud has been designed so that many variations can be played. The host could play a Group Feud round, a Reverse Feud round, another Group and then a Reverse. Keep playing as many rounds as time permits and if desired. If desired, take the top teams to play a couple rounds of Classic Feud.
       Actually, the variations of how you could use these 3 games are unlimited!
       One caution, be careful as you enter the questions and answers with your scoring. If you decide to use the new feature that allows scores up to triple digits be consistent. You don't want one round to score 95 points for the winners, and the next round to score 950 points for the winners.
  Ultimate Classroom Feud requires 2 monitors, one will show the game, the other will be the control/score panel.
     Please download the demo version first to verify that the program will run properly on your system.
     Please email us (dan@decsoftware.com) for a download link to the demo so you can give it a test drive!

Just Released
    Our latest classroom and training software package, Concentration has just been released. It has some very unique features along with the usual features offered with all of our software (including the complete ability for an instructor to customize the games according to his or her course content. Patterned after the TV show, Concentration promises to be a favorite of our customers.
The standard features of our Classroom Feud program have been kept with this new release.
Buzz in with any iPhone or android device.
Our customers are our best advertisements:
"Our Rotary Survey Says event was another great success this year."
 Complete customization of the Classroom Feud game board
 Buzz in with your iPhone or Android device
 Change the game logo to your logo
 Full Smart Board and interactive White Board support
 You become the master of ceremonies by supplying all the survey questions and answers prior to "airtime"
  Face-off, Single Points Round , Double Points Round and Triple Points Round
 Computerized Fast Money Round (new !)
 Simple input of questions and answers
 Automatic scoring
 Great dual monitor support
Actual Game Screen Shot
 Context sensitive off-screen keyboard commands    
  Wired and  Wireless Buzzer support (buzzers)
New with Ultimate version          (January 2018)                         Sophisticated Dual Monitor Support !
  • All commands performed off-screen for professional appearance.*
  • Classic Feud.
  • Group Feud (play with up to 20 players/teams).*
  • Reverse Feud (play with up to 20 players/teams).*
  • Use smartphones and devices to buzz-in.

* Suggested by one or more customers of previous versions.

New with version 9.0           (November 2013)                         Smart Phone Enabled ! !
  • Buzz into the game with your iPhone or android device.*
  • Resizeable game screens - major screens can be adjusted to any size monitor and any resolution.
  • New and improved game screen (see above).
  • Easier game setup and screens.
  • During Fast money, the survey answers are revealed one by one.*
  • Hot keys during the game. Some asked for a more professional appearance. So we added several "hot keys" to avoid using the mouse. Thus Classroom Feud looks more like a TV presentation.*
  • Return from these 'hot key' screens by use of the space bar (further minimizing the on-screen mouse).
* Suggested by one or more customers of previous versions.
New with version 8.5           (August 2011)                                                                              
  • Customized team names (you did want the Hatfields to feud against the McCoys, right?)
  • Cleaner game screen appearance.
  • Sharper graphics for many of the game screens!
New with version 8.0           (June 2010)
  • Longer questions (100 characters) and answers (30 characters).
  • Improved support for dual monitors and projectors.
  • Higher screen resolution (1024 x 768).
  • Flashier scoreboard for winning team.
  • Improved question and answer input.
New with version 7.5           (October 2009)
  • Full Smart Board and Interactive White Board support
  • Move game screens to locations of your choosing
  • Replace Face-Off screen graphic to user's option
New with version 7.0           (September 2006)
  • Computerized Fast Money Round ( completely new ! )
  • Completely redesigned Gameboard
  • Support for gamepads
  • Face-lift of most screens
New with version 6.0           (March 2004)
  • Much improved Face-off round
  • Automatic Pass or Play determination
  • Face-lift of most screens
New with version 5.5           (August 2004)
  • More sound options (60 new sounds by choosing "sound personalities")
  • Improved Windows installation interface
  • One click license request via internet
New with version 5.0           (June 2004)
  • Record and use your own sounds (or download sounds from the internet and use them)
  • Even sharper graphics
  • Sound options with a single click
New with version 4.0           (June 2002)
  • Support for different logos (besides Classroom Feud). Design your own logo and replace the Classroom Feud logo with yours
  • Simpler user interface
New with version 3.0           (December 2001)
  • Easier input of questions and answers
  • Complete facelift
  • Better graphics
  • More sounds
  • Easier to implement the sound
Complete Customization -
Add Your Own Logo to Classroom Feud
Example Logo
Best viewed in 800x600 resolution
Copyright ©2012 - 2018 DEC Software.